All tagged smoothie

Strawberry Banana Beet Smoothie

Strawberry & beet make for an incredible combination! Sweet, earthy, and vibrantly colored... this smoothie is too wonderful to be reserved for only breakfast time.  NO ONE can taste the beets once it's paired with bananas & berries (not my 4 picky boys, OR my equally discerning husband). The addition of spinach, flaxseed and oat milk only makes it creamy and even healthier... but it still tastes like dessert to me! 

Piña Colada Veggie Smoothie

  A sweet and creamy tropical morning  smoothie that reminds me of our honeymoon on the beach! Unlike the Jamaican beverages, this version is packed with vitamins, probiotics and is high in protein,  so I feel really good about giving it to my family! 

Turmeric & Molasses "Super Smoothie"

We've come up with a cold and creamy smoothie that has a warm, spicy kick (similar to cinnamon) but made with the new "it" superfood... turmeric. Just wait until you hear about all the ways that it can benefit your health; you'll be grabbing your blender each morning too!

The Smoothie Project

It's as though the sun has finally made an appearance in New York and my body instantly craves icy fruits and veggies. These simple smoothies are not only healthy but an incredible help to our busy mornings! I love sneaking in lots of vitamins and minerals to keep us all going throughout the day and into the sports-occupied evenings. The kids love the bright colors and fun flavors!